About the Journal

International Journal of Management, Economics and Commerce is a leading international peer-reviewed Research journal that serves as an important forum for scholars, researchers, and professionals in the fields of management, economics and commerce. It is published Bi-annually (Two issues per year) and serves as an important platform for International Journal of Management, Economics and Commerce to foster deeper knowledge of contemporary issues and challenges in management, economics, and commerce and to ensure and facilitate exchange of new ideas and research findings. works.

International Journal of Management, Economics and Commerce  welcomes high quality, original research papers, reviews, case studies, and theoretical articles that provide in-depth knowledge of modern issues and challenges in the fields of management, economics, and commerce. Our rigorous peer-review process ensures that only the most impactful and well-researched papers are published.

As an English-language journal, International Journal of Management, Economics and Commerce promotes a global outlook and welcomes contributions to criticism from researchers around the world. Our objective is to promote excellence and disseminate cutting-edge research that can inform policy, practice, and future learning in the areas of management, economics, and commerce.

Frequency: Bi-annually (Two issues per year)

No Article Processing Charges(APCs)

Journal Particulars

Title  : International Journal of Management, Economics and Commerce
Frequency : Bi-Annual (Two issues per year)
ISSN : Application-In Progress
Publisher : Department of Business Intelligence, Gujarat University
Editor-in-Chief : Mamta Brahmbhatt
Starting Year : 2024
Area : Management, Economics and Commerce
Language : English
Publication Format : Online
Email Id : [email protected]
Website : https://ijmec.org.in/
Address : Department of Business Intelligence, Gujarat University,     Ahmedabad-380009, Gujarat, India.