Open Access & Copyright Policy

At International Journal of Management, Economics and Commerce , we are dedicated to fostering open access to scholarly knowledge and ensuring copyright practices that benefit both authors and the wider academic community. This policy outlines our approach to open access and copyright for publications in our journals:

Open Access Policy:

We embrace the principles of open access, allowing the public and the global academic community to access, use, and benefit from the research published in our journals. Our open access policy includes the following:

  • Free Access: All content published in our journals is freely accessible online without any subscription or access fees.
  • Author-Friendly Model: We offer various publication models to accommodate authors' needs while ensuring open access. This may involve author, institution, or funder-supported models.
  • Retained Copyright: Authors retain copyright to their work, allowing them to share, adapt, and reuse their research as they see fit.

Copyright Policy:

Our copyright policy is designed to balance the interests of authors, readers, and the broader academic community. It includes the following options:

  • Creative Commons Licenses: Authors can choose from a range of Creative Commons licenses that determine how their work can be used by others. These licenses include CC-BY, CC-BY-NC, CC-BY-NC-ND, and CC-BY-NC-SA, offering flexibility in sharing and adapting content while respecting the author's intentions.
  • Author's Rights: We respect the rights of authors to decide how their work is used and distributed. Authors may opt to retain full copyright and grant specific permissions for usage.
  • Public Domain Dedication: Authors can choose to dedicate their work to the public domain using a CC0 license, allowing for maximum freedom of use and adaptation.
  • Archiving and Preservation: We are committed to preserving the scholarly record. Our content is archived to ensure long-term accessibility and to avoid loss of research data.

Attribution and Citations:

Users of content published in our journals are required to provide proper attribution and citations in accordance with the chosen Creative Commons license or the author's specified terms.

By publishing with International Journal of Management, Economics and Commerce, authors and readers can expect a commitment to open access and a copyright policy that respects authors' rights and encourages the responsible and ethical use of scholarly work.

We invite authors, readers, and the academic community to review our open access and copyright policies to understand how they align with our mission to promote the dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of research.

For questions or further information about our open access and copyright policies, please contact us at [[email protected]].