At the International Journal for Management, Economics and Commerce, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and integrity. Our commitment to ethical publishing practices is unwavering, ensuring that the trust and credibility of our journal and the academic community we serve are maintained.

Publication Ethics Policy:

  1. Authorship and Author Responsibilities: We expect all authors to adhere to the principles of authorship, meaning that they have made a significant intellectual contribution to the work. We require transparency regarding authorship contributions, potential conflicts of interest, and financial disclosures.
  2. Plagiarism and Originality: Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited. Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work, properly citing sources, and obtaining permissions for any copyrighted materials.
  3. Peer Review: We employ a rigorous peer-review process to evaluate the quality and validity of submissions. Reviewers and authors are expected to maintain confidentiality and avoid any conflicts of interest.
  4. Research Integrity: We encourage transparency in reporting research methods, results, and data. Authors must ensure that their research is conducted with integrity, and any potential ethical concerns are addressed.
  5. Ethical Conduct: International Journal of Management Economics and Commerce  expects all parties involved in the publication process, including authors, editors, and reviewers, to adhere to the highest ethical standards in their interactions and submissions.

Malpractice Statement:

  1. Plagiarism and Misconduct: Any form of plagiarism, data fabrication, or falsification of research results is considered a serious breach of ethical standards and will not be tolerated. Suspected cases of misconduct will be thoroughly investigated.
  2. Conflicts of Interest: Editors and reviewers are required to declare any conflicts of interest that may compromise the objectivity of the review or editorial decision-making process.
  3. Retractions and Corrections: In the event that errors or misconduct are identified after publication, International Journal of Management Economics and Commerce  will issue retractions, corrections, or clarifications as appropriate, ensuring that the academic record is accurate and reliable.
  4. Sanctions: Depending on the severity of the misconduct, sanctions may be imposed, including retraction of published articles, notification of the author's institution, and exclusion from future submissions to International Journal of Management Economics and Commerce .
  5. Whistleblower Protection: We are committed to protecting whistleblowers who report ethical concerns or misconduct. All reports will be handled confidentially and with the utmost sensitivity.

The Publication Ethics Policy and Malpractice Statement of International Journal of Management, Economics and Commerce reflect our dedication to fostering a scholarly environment that upholds the highest ethical standards. We are resolute in our pursuit of excellence, transparency, and the advancement of knowledge in the fields of management, economics and commerce.