
  • Mr. Motty Joseph Author
  • Dr. Sajikumar K B Author




In today's dynamic banking environment, the adoption of electronic banking services has revolutionized customer interactions with commercial banks. This study investigates the impact of electronic banking attributes, customer trust, and loyalty on customer retention within the context of commercial banks. Using a mixed-methods approach, data was collected from a sample of customers across various demographic segments.

The study found that electronic banking attributes, including usability, security, and service quality, significantly influence customer trust and loyalty. Moreover, customer trust was identified as a critical mediator between electronic banking attributes and customer retention. The findings suggest that enhancing electronic banking attributes not only improves customer trust but also fosters loyalty, thereby enhancing customer retention rates for commercial banks.

This research contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence of the relationships between electronic banking attributes, customer trust, loyalty, and retention in the banking sector. Practical implications include recommendations for banks to prioritize investment in electronic banking infrastructure and customer trust-building initiatives to strengthen customer retention strategies.


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How to Cite

ELECTRONIC BANKING ATTRIBUTES, CUSTOMER TRUST AND LOYALTY ON CUSTOMER RETENTION-A CASE STUDY AMONG THE CUSTOMERS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS. (2024). International Journal of Management, Economics and Commerce, 1(2), 54-66. https://doi.org/10.62737/hkr1gg87

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