
  • Ashutosh Chaubey Gujarat University Author
  • Shivam Tripathi Lakulish Yoga University Author
  • Dr. Amarnath Gupta Sri Balaji University Author
  • Garima Rawat Sri Balaji University Author



Internal Marketing, Human Resource Management (HRM), Organizational Performance, Employee Satisfaction, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Employee Engagement


Background: Internal marketing and Human Resource Management (HRM) are crucial for organizational success. Internal marketing involves strategically communicating organizational values and goals to employees, while HRM focuses on efficiently managing human resources to achieve organizational objectives. Numerous studies have shown that integrating internal marketing and HRM can enhance organizational performance by improving employee satisfaction, retention, and overall productivity. Method: This study employs a mixed-methods research strategy, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses concerning the relationships between internal marketing, HRM, and organizational performance. Results: The SEM analysis revealed significant positive correlations between internal marketing, HRM, and organizational performance. Specifically, internal marketing positively impacts organizational performance (β = 0.35, p < 0.01), HRM positively impacts organizational performance (β = 0.40, p < 0.01), and organizational performance mediates the relationship between internal marketing and HRM (Sobel test: z = 2.50, p < 0.05). Conclusion: The findings underscore the importance of integrating internal marketing and HRM to enhance organizational performance. Effective internal marketing and HRM practices lead to increased employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention, ultimately boosting organizational success. Findings: The study confirms that a synergistic approach to internal marketing and HRM can lead to significant improvements in organizational performance. This integration fosters a cohesive work environment, enhances employee well-being, and ensures long-term competitive advantage.


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